Attic Insulation Removal

Removing old, dusty, and dated attic insulation can offer numerous benefits for Utah homeowners. First and foremost, it can improve indoor air quality by removing dust, dirt, and other contaminants that may have accumulated over time.

This can help to reduce respiratory problems and allergies caused by poor air quality. Additionally, removing old insulation can help to eliminate unpleasant attic odors that may have developed due to moisture or other issues. The removal process can also expose hidden problems such as pests, mold, or water damage, allowing for prompt and effective repairs. During the removal process, the attic can be sanitized to eliminate any remaining bacteria or mold spores.

Furthermore, the removal process provides an opportunity to seal places where air may be leaking from your home, which can improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs. Finally, removing old insulation can help to reduce dust and dirt buildup in your home, leading to a cleaner and healthier living environment. Overall, removing old attic insulation is an important step in maintaining a healthy and comfortable home.

Improve air quality

Removal of your current attic insulation means getting rid of any stale and foul odors and enhancing your home's air quality. Imagine having that peace of mind knowing you will only be breathing in clean, contaminant-free, and pollutant-free air.

Improve attic smell

The musty smell you might have had for a while now is most likely caused by mold or mildew growth in your old insulation. New insulation provides air sealing to shut out moisture and prevent mold and mildew from growing.

Expose hidden problems

Removing old attic insulation will allow our project manager to inspect areas that have been hidden for decades. We will always be transparent with you when we see general wear and tear and any issue like damaged wires, ducting, or sheetrock while removing insulation from your attic space.

Sanitize The Attic

Older insulation tends to absorb more and more grime and bacteria over time, becoming a pesky hazard you don't need. Removal ensures a clean, friendly attic atmosphere.

Seal Cracks Where Air Escapes

Ensure no air is needlessly escaping, therefore reducing your temperature and negating the benefits of attic insulation.

Seal Your Home From Dust

Create a protected atmosphere where outside allergens stay exactly there, outside of your home.

Insulation Removal

Get A Free Inspection & Estimate
During our free inspection and estimate, our team of knowledgeable experts will thoroughly assess your needs and provide a comprehensive, transparent overview of solutions, products, and pricing options.
Schedule Removal
Our removal process involves a big truck and trailer with an industrial-sized vacuum cleaner, an 8-inch diameter hose, and a team of experts who will take the path of least resistance to your attic, vacuuming out all your old insulation in a safe and efficient manner.
Attic Inspection & Sanitation
Our team will conduct a thorough inspection of all wire, ducting, piping, and sheetrock, looking for signs of wear and tear or damage. If we find any issues, we'll document them with pictures and a report. Once the inspection is complete, we will sanitize the entire attic to eliminate any lingering odors and leave your attic smelling fresh and clean.
Project Clean Up
Our team will ensure that all tools, equipment, and trash are cleaned up and removed from your property, leaving the work area tidy and ready for the final inspection.
Final Walk Through With Project Manager
After the work is complete, your project manager will return to the site to conduct a final inspection, answer any questions you may have, and either take you up into the attic or provide pictures of the work that was completed on your project.

Customer testimonials

We rely on our customers for testimonials, here are some for you.

Good Attic removed the old insulation, sanitized it and sprayed foam around the electrical boxes and A/C vents.

Within the first day I could already feel a temperature difference in my house.  The crew did a great job. They were professional and provided good customer service. Highly recommended."

Michael B.

Salt Lake City

They did a great job and were extremely professional. Glad to have called them! Thank you so much!"

Klair B.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I remove attic insulation myself?

We highly discourage this. There are many risks like exposure to asbestos or mold. Plus, this is not a job for your home vacuum. We want you to be healthy and safe, and we would like you to see drastic improvements, so please leave the insulation removal to our professional team, Good Attic.

Can you remove any type of insulation?

Yes! Our team can tackle any kind of insulation, especially the one most commonly used in Utah.

Should I remove old insulation before installing new insulation?

Absolutely! In removing the old attic insulation, you're also eliminating any toxic material or mold that comes with it. Part of our service is that we remove it for you.

Get a Free Estimate

Get a free, no-obligation estimate today and experience the difference that quality makes.

2450 N Triumph Blvd
Suite 102
Lehi, UT 84043
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Thanks for your interest, our team will be in touch with you shortly to schedule your consultation and learn more about your project and how we can best assist you in turning your vision into a reality.
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